Artista cuja obra é estruturada em torno do desenho, da escultura, da instalação e do livro. Os processos de construção, de adaptabilidade, de hibridismo são pontos chave da sua obra. Entre o bidimensional e o tridimensional, o artificial e o natural, o montar e desmontar, a sua visão espacial sustém uma linguagem da escultura com recurso à instalação, desenho e ilustração. Leitão tem exposto o seu trabalho em locais como a Galeria Carlos Carvalho, Lisboa; P.S.1/MoMA, Nova Iorque; Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, Connecticut; Socrates Sculpture Park, Nova Iorque; Wavehill, Glyndor Gallery and Grounds, Nova Iorque; Andrea Rosen Gallery, Nova Iorque; Michael Steinberg, Nova Iorque; Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisboa, e Bronx Museum, Nova Iorque; entre outros. Conta com exposições individuais na Colecção Berardo–Sintra e no Museu Calouste Gulbenkian. Entre prémios e residências destacam-se The New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, 2009, Center for Book Arts, 2007, Triangle Arts, 2006, Sharpe Foundation, 2004, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, 2003, Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, 2001, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Fundação Luso-Americana. Leitão tem um Mestrado pelo Hunter College City University of New York (2000), e concluiu o curso de Pintura na FBAUL, Lisboa (1993).
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Artist. Her favored mediums are drawing, sculpture, installation and the book. Key to her work, the notions and processes of assembly, adaptability and hybridity play a fundamental role in negotiating a discourse between the two and the three-dimensional, the artificial and the natural, the actions of assembling and disassembling, which is materialized by a sculptural language that makes use of installation, drawing and illustration. Leitão has exhibited her work in places such as Carlos Carvalho Gallery, Lisbon; PS1 / MoMA, New York; Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, Connecticut; Socrates Sculpture Park, New York; Wavehill, Glyndor Gallery and Grounds, New York; Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York; Michael Steinberg, New York; Pedro Cera Gallery, Lisbon; and the Bronx Museum, New York, among others. She has had solo exhibitions at the Berardo-Sintra Collection and the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Among the awards and residences bestowed to her, stand out the New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, 2009, Center for Book Arts, 2007, Triangle Arts, 2006, Sharpe Foundation, 2004, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, 2003, Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, 2001, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Luso-American Foundation. Leitão holds an MFA from the Hunter College City University of New York (2000), and studied Painting at the FBAUL, Lisbon (1993).
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